What You Need To Know About Steam Pipe Insulation
Wednesday, September 20th, 2017
Heat loss due to poor pipe insulation can negatively impact your business, so finding the best way to insulate your steam pipes is vital. Uninsulated pipes tend to attract condensation because the pipes are cooler than the steam. As the steam hits the pipe, it condenses, which prevents it from moving and heating your home or business, further reducing heat-transfer efficiency.
To prevent condensation, builders once used asbestos. However, modern science now knows that asbestos is an incredibly dangerous substance connected to many of different types of cancer. Before calling a boiler maintenance company, it is important to know where to begin when replacing your steam pipe insulation.
Where to begin when insulating your steam pipes
Untrained service technicians can identify asbestos, but they do not know how to replace or refurbish the insulation. Merely removing the asbestos “blanket” simply replaces one problem with another. If the pipes are not insulated, they can morph due to the heat and develop sagging, which traps steam and further exacerbates the problem.
Uninsulated steam pipes cannot distribute heat efficiently, which results in your boiler operating at reduced capacity. Your equipment, therefore, must operate for longer periods at higher levels, resulting in reduced operational life and increased costs.
Fiberglass insulation
Fiberglass insulation is one of the best replacements for asbestos lining on steam pipes. Fiberglass is a commonly used material for steam pipe insulation. This material is durable, cheap, efficient at preventing heat loss, and is available in a variety of sizes for pipe fittings and heat requirements. Fiberglass is, therefore, a superior choice and easily available. Professional boiler technicians can easily install this type of insulation along your steam pipes.
Where to find expert commercial services for your steam pipes
If you would like an inspection for the safety and efficiency of your steam pipe heating system, contact Allen’s Tri-State Mechanical Inc. in Amarillo, Texas. We can troubleshoot any issues you may be having with your steam pipes and repair or replace your insulation efficiently and safely.
We are the largest and oldest mechanical repair company in the Texas Panhandle. We provide a variety of services including plumbing, boiler servicing, HVAC/R installation and maintenance, water treatment, and more for our industrial, commercial, and residential clients. To schedule an inspection or appointment with us, call us at (806) 376-8345 or Contact Us by email today. You can also visit us at 404 S Hayden in Amarillo. We are available to serve you 24 hours a day.