8 Common Commercial Air Conditioning Issues That Need Repair

Wednesday, June 20th, 2018
prepare your air conditioner for summer

Commercial air conditioners prove their worth in the summer by keeping your buildings cool and your tenants happy. Your commercial air conditioning unit requires regular maintenance so it will not break down. If you’re experiencing issues with your HVAC unit, one of the eight following common issues could be the cause.

1. Inconsistent air conditioning

Do your tenants or employees frequently complain about inconsistent air temperature? It’s a common issue where the air conditioning might feel too hot or too cold. If you hear these concerns, it could be time to schedule maintenance or repairs.

Two common reasons for inconsistent cooling are a leak in your ductwork or a faulty thermostat. A simple inspection should be able to determine if the thermostat is functional. However, ductwork leaks will be a bit more complex to inspect and repair. It’s best to leave that job up to a professional HVAC technician.

2. Damaged rooftop units

Most commercial air conditioning units are installed on the roof of a building. These rooftop units can become damaged due to severe weather or by the sun. High winds can also cause problems by blowing dust and dirt into the units. Changes in airflow or temperature could be indicators that the internal cabinet of your rooftop unit is damaged. These commercial air conditioning units should be inspected every few months for damage or debris.

3. Ventilation issues

Ventilation issues can cause your commercial HVAC unit to overheat or malfunction during the summer. For example, your vents might be improperly configured to handle heavy use in high heat or could be obstructed by debris. Most ventilation issues can be resolved with an inspection of the unit. It will be beneficial to have a professional HVAC technician perform the inspection.

4. Clogged drain lines

Your commercial air conditioner generates moisture, which moves through the drain lines and into a pan. Just like a clogged toilet or sink, the AC unit drain lines can become clogged and stop working properly. When you inspect your ventilation, you should also look at your drain lines and clear any debris. If you notice recurring clogs, it could mean that there is a larger issue with your unit that needs to be addressed.

5. Strange noises

If you hear a noise that is new or different from the typical noises your unit makes, you should contact a commercial air conditioning repair professional. Just like with your car, your HVAC system should not be making any strange or new noises. These could be an indication of serious mechanical problems in the unit.

6. Blown fuses

If your commercial AC system suddenly shuts off, that could indicate that it is overheating or a blown fuse. You should check your circuit breaker for blown fuses and do not attempt to fix this issue yourself. Contact a local HVAC repair company to diagnose and fix the problem for you. It could be a simple fix or a sign of a larger issue.

7. Burned capacitors

Regular inspections and maintenance can prevent most commercial air conditioning issues. However, a burned capacitor, which can result from factors such as weather damage, overheating, or faulty parts, cannot be repaired. To restore your unit’s functionality, you will need to replace this component.

8. Capacity issues

If regular commercial AC maintenance reveals no issues, it might indicate a capacity problem. These systems are designed to cool specific spaces based on size. Capacity problems can be a result of your AC unit having excess or insufficient capacity for your building. If you’re experiencing capacity problems due to your system’s size, it is recommended to either upgrade or downgrade your system.

Find professional commercial HVAC maintenance

If you are experiencing problems with your commercial air conditioning system, contact the experts at Allen’s Tri-State Mechanical today. We have over 70 years of experience in providing commercial services to customers throughout the Texas Panhandle. Call us at (806) 376-8345 or Contact Us by email to learn more about how we can help you with inspections, maintenance, repairs, and installations.