6 Tips To Help You Avoid Costly Winter Plumbing Problems

Wednesday, February 8th, 2017
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If your home is not prepared for winter weather, your plumbing system could pay the price. The biggest plumbing problems typically occur during seasons that put stress on your pipes. You can save hundreds in repair costs by learning how to keep your pipes from freezing. Here are six tips to help you prepare your plumbing for winter.

Protect your pipes from freezing

As winter temperatures drop, water inside your pipes can freeze and cause them to burst. If you are out of the house when a pipe bursts, the results can be disastrous. You could deal with a massive home flood and damage to all of your things. To reduce the chance of frozen pipes, wrap your un-insulated pipes in foam. You can buy foam tubes in the plumbing section of your local hardware store. Cut the foam tube to fit your pipe, pull it open, and push the tube over and around the pipe. Finally, use duct tape to secure the foam. Although this may seem easy, calling professional plumbers to prepare your pipes may be easier in the long run.

Fix plumbing leaks immediately

It is best to fix plumbing leaks as soon as you know they exist. Check the faucets in your kitchen and bathroom for drips or puddles. If your faucet is leaking, call a plumber to get your pipes back in shape. Often times, letting a leak persist will cause a larger problem in the future, especially during winter.

Drain your water heater

If you are in a location that has hard water, sediment can build inside your tank. This sediment can cause rust to develop. If you do not deal with the rust, it can find its way into your cooking, drinking, and bathing water. Your water heater can also produce significantly less hot water if it is damaged by build up. If your water heater is already rusty or old, purchase a new one before winter begins.

Disconnect your outdoor hose

During the winter, it is best to disconnect your outdoor hose. Wrap the hose up and pack it away until warm weather returns. If you were to leave the hose connected in winter, the water left inside would freeze and expand. This issue can cause your plumbing pipes and faucets to freeze.

Close and drain all shut-off valves

If you have interior shutt-off valves leading to your outdoor faucets, close these valves and drain water from the outside lines. If you leave water in the lines, the water may freeze and cause damage to your plumbing. Complete this process as soon as you know winter weather is approaching. This can prevent major plumbing issues from happening during the winter season.

Clean your home’s sump pump pit

Inspect your sump pump and the pit in which it rests before cold weather hits. The pump can freeze when exposed to cold. If the pump malfunctions, water can enter your home and cause damage. Inspect and clean your pump beforehand to avoid large bills for flood damage and cleanup. If you have trouble testing the sump pump, contact a professional plumbing company to have it inspected right away.

A plumbing leak or burst pipe is not something you want to deal with during the holidays. Contact the professionals at Allen’s Tri-State Mechanical, Inc. in Amarillo, Texas for more information about winter plumbing maintenance. We provide commercial, heavy industrial, and residential services throughout the Texas Panhandle and Tri-State area. You can call us at (806) 376-8345 or Contact Us by email to learn more. You can also visit us in person at 404 S. Hayden St. in Amarillo.