3 Common Industrial Boiler Safety Devices

Monday, July 3rd, 2017
proper boiler maintenance is key to the efficiency of your boiler system

Boilers play a vital role in keeping most industrial facilities operating, so maintaining the efficiency and safety of this equipment is important. Thanks to new improvements in design and control systems, today’s boiler systems are safer than they have ever been. The following are three key safety devices that industrial boiler operators should understand and monitor.

Safety valves

One of the most important safety devices on an industrial boiler is the safety valve. There are a range of failures that can occur within the system that could cause the boiler to build up internal pressure. Safety valves are designed to relieve that pressure. There are usually two to six safety valves in the drum of an industrial boiler, depending on its capacity. The superheater outlet will generally have one to three valves on either side as well, and one electromatic relief valve on the superheater pipe. There should also be safety valves at the inlet and outlet sides of the reheater pipes.

Safety valves are simple in design and fairly straightforward in operation. Operators should be vigilant in keeping the valves clean and maintained. If corrosion builds up within the valve and restricts flow, the boiler’s pipes could be affected. If you are not able to maintain your entire system of valves, a local plumbing company experienced with industrial boiler systems can help.

Water-level control and low-water fuel cutoff

Although they are separate boiler safety functions, water level control and low-water fuel cutoff controls are often combined into one device. The water level control and low-water fuel cutoff functions are designed to keep the water level inside the boiler from falling below a predetermined amount. If the water level falls below the minimum, these safety devices will effectively shut down the boiler by cutting off its fuel source. Industrial boiler operators should ensure sludge or scale does not build up within this safety system so that nothing interferes with its detection and operation.

Water-gauge glass

Though boilers come equipped with safety devices that measure the water level, operators must still verify the actual level of the water inside the system. This is another instance where build-up of sludge and scale can produce false level indications.

Some industrial boilers do not have an automatic water feeder. In these systems, the water level needs to be checked at least once a week to ensure safe operation. If the water level is too low, it can lead to loss of heat or conditions that could even cause an explosion. If the water level is too high, it can prevent the steam from rising in an efficient manner.

Boiler system maintenance in the Texas, Panhandle and Oklahoma

As technology improves, the safe operation of industrial boilers has become easier than ever before. However, operators should not rely on design alone. It is important that boilers be regularly inspected, tested, and maintained for the unit’s entire lifespan.

A total industrial boiler system assessment, along with any necessary upgrades to safety devices, can save you money through improved efficiency and reduced frequency of repairs. If you are looking for the best local plumbing company to handle your industrial, commercial, or residential needs, contact the professionals at Allen’s Tri-State Mechanical, Inc. in Amarillo, Texas. We provide services throughout Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and New Mexico. You can call us at (806) 376-8345 or Contact Us by email to learn more. You can also visit us in person at 404 S. Hayden St. in Amarillo to see how we can help you.